Tuesday, March 7, 2017

After 3 month we reluctantly left Brazil. It was so difficult. Brazil was much more than we expected. Yes, we knew about the weather and the beaches, but it was far more than that. Their culture totally fitted us, they are calm, generous, friendly to the max. Their music and their fruits! The smiles, the forests, the happiness. We made so many friends here, in every town, in every village. They did more than just stopped and asked for our motorhome. They invited us to their homes, to their tables. We were part of their lives, even if for a fleeing moment. We were sad but also in fear as we realised our visa had run out.

We drove all the way, only stopping for lunch and to sleep. A long way. Talking all the time about what to do and the best way to front the borders. Many strategies and many many conversation later we crossed to Paraguay, to Ciudad del Este, the tax free city. Chaos of huge proportions and cars and people block the city. No one stopped us but when we wanted to register the "entry" to Paraguay we were asked for the "exit" stamp from Brasil. Uhh!...back to the car to think again. We decided to continue driving to Argentina, thinking that the borders at Paraguay far from here would be easier. It was very much a Thelma and Louise moment. Another day driving and here it is the Paraguay-Argentina border. A quick chat with immigration, a fine that evolved into a bribe (a new experience for Hector!) and off to Argentina.

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