Wednesday, July 8, 2015

17 June

After 3 incredible weeks in Fiji, celebrating with family and friends such a magnificent wedding we are back on the road.

Zaragoza is the perfect place then to start this leg in our long and unexpected adventure. We like this place so much. The sense of openness, the clean and so well kept streets, churches and bridges. The old city and the new park open in 2008 with a fluvial expo. There are many bicycle routes that we were unable to do given the huge jet lag of the day. The cathedral is one of the prettiest we have seen with colourful mosaics at the roof and paintings of Goya and Velazquez inside up in the domes. It is easy to think that we could live in Spain for a whole year just enjoying the little villages and cities such as Zaragoza with vibrants cafes, plenty of museums, tapas!

On route to San Sebastian to meet our friends Karina and Rolf . We have planned this moment for the last 8 months! The idea is to travel the french atlantic coast all the way back to Hamburg, where they live, and for us to continue our journey to the baltic countries.

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