Saturday, December 7, 2019

November 2019

I am so aware of the time it has gone since the last time I wrote here. To say that so much has taken place since I left our home in Colombia to fly back to Australia is an understatement. Archie has grown up so much! I so loved the way he recognised us, as almost we have never been separated. This commitment that Hecti and I have made to each other to see our Archie every 4/5 month (more or less) means that I can enjoy being with him and that when I say good bye it still hurts but not as much knowing that I will be with him soon enough. Being in Australia always brings the reality back to us. I am finding more and more difficult to be myself and to enjoy being there. I need nature, the open spaces, the ever changing landscape. I need the fresh food and the physical activity. I start to feel more and more that this is not my home and my home is on wheels, somewhere waiting for me to keep moving. And talking about keep moving….I am lying in bed, in a cabin, in a ship, in Antartica! I am surrounded by 100 brilliant scientist women in the larger women expedition in history. I feel part of history and what an incredible honour is to be. I am part of the faculty of this incredible leadership program to bring change to the world. I never expected to be here and yet it feels right.

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