We said that we couldn't live Argentina before visiting Mendoza. It took us more than 45 years to come back here. I remembered on my primary school graduation coming here and felt totally in love with this province. And now we get the chance to see it again with SalSolcito.
And so, we shared one week of pure nature. A desolated creek to put up a tent (Uspallata); a visit to the vineyard (and not just any vineyard but "the" place... never seen a hotel that upmarket!); the magnificent view of Puente Del Inca, another "end of the road"- a boat ramp in Potrerillos to put the tent again and kayak in the lake; and a glorious trekking to Aconcagua!!! (well, up to first base :). I said to Hecti that I always loved the ocean and I knew that it is my element; but this trip has opened up a new love on me: the mountains. Breathing in the mountains, not matter how difficult it maybe, has become a new passion and a great sense of accomplishment to us.
As we said goodbye we drove down to San Rafael, to Aguas del Toro. The worst road ever; even worst than Patagonia (if that is possible!) We suffered so much for Sal Solcito...we ended up in the huge dam, but at night we were rush by security to find solace in the tunnel as a big thunderstorm was approaching. It was scary. A few cars all lined up in the tunnel, we could see (and hear!) the hailstorm, there is always a chance of hail and the stones on the mountains became a real threat. So we waited for 2 hours and then...peace and calm again, as if nothing has happened.
A two days stop in Nihuil Dam just to wait for the Atuel canyon to open up again. So pleased that we wait as this road to Valle Grande is really stunning. We drove in the middle of the canyon; about 50 km of twists and turns. We spent the night in a natural campsite on the edge of the river. Hearing the rough water running pass was a treat...
Given that I missed all the wine with my non drinkers companions I did not want to miss the chance to visit an old olive oil production; and by the way it was also a winery so here was my revenge :) Ah!! Malbec..I love you
In Los Reyunos we spent the whole day on the water. It never stops to amaze us the beautiful houses and the exclusive areas that we found here in Argentina. We know that there are many many sides to this country but we never had a chance to mingle or to visit this kind of places. Los Reyunos is one of this places, houses on the side of the mountains overlooking at the lake... a clear blue lake...
Next stop San Luis, Merlo; where a great reunion is awaiting us
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