Sunday, June 22, 2014

9 to 16 June
We were going to just "pass through", we could not remember anyone who have been here for holidays or anyone from here living in Australia. This is Luxembourg. As usual, as it has been with this trip; the "timing" is always an issue. This time it was their public holidays and therefore we "had to stay" so we can see the place "alive". Well, the city was not alive but the place we stayed to sleep (an "aire") was in full swing... the music was so intense coming from a bar that at 5 am- when we couldn't tolerate it anymore- we drove to another area and park on the car park of the museum to sleep!!
(Note: the issue of where to sleep is our biggest challenge, but has provided us with plenty of entertainment....for example stopping on what we thought was a quiet and safe place to sleep just to find out later on the night that it was a meeting place for men....)

I always say that you see things for the first time only once; before being contaminated by what you see. I love that feeling of unknown, no prejudice (well, almost!); just letting your senses dictate what you experience.
Our first impression of Luxembourg was that everybody drive a convertible and that there are more car spaces on the street than the whole population! Talking to people was a delight; most  speak 4 or 5 languages with such as ease....this is truly a cosmopolitan place 

The city is unusual and pretty. The old city is deep in the valley and surrounded by a stone wall. The castles and the greenery is magnificent. The first sense is that of a skiing village but a bit more sophisticated.

Lured by the amount of nature and the innumerable cycle paths- a cyclist paradise!, we decided to stay and visit the different regions!

The cycle ride on the river's bank was every bit as great as it was promised, including a refreshing swim ! way on the Luxemburg side and the other way on the German side- just a small bridge to link both countries. A fantastic night on the lake completed the trip
Another cycle ride took us onto the villages and included a long walk uphill to the Gorge's Wolf

17 June
We said good bye and crossed to Germany. Our first cycle was a 55 k through the river, country side, forest, villages, tunnel and bridges....spectacular! Even more the bus we took to come back! We experienced the first gesture of camaraderie/generosity when we faced a 10 k walk with a flat tyre just to be "saved" by this couple who stopped without being asked and spent 1/2 hour repairing our bikes. We travelled by night to Dusseldorf and become immerse in the football world cup fever!


EDUARDO said...

I hope you are on your way to Amsterdam. I have the mate packed but tell me do I need to bring my wellies and bike repair kit? I will be leaving the sunshine behind but hoping we will get to finish all those unfinished sentences we began when you were here. For 2 nights yu dont have to worry here you will sleep and the hotel will have wifi so you will you can send messages galore. I am slightly worried about a 55k cycle ride but then I remembered we once successfully hitch hiked with our bikes (30 years ago, but if needs must)See you Saturday for breakfast and TLC. Mas besos. Jan xx

Graci & Hecti said...

gorgeous Jan.....please stay "with me", I love to share my blog with you; it makes me feel less lonely :)