Sunday, November 29, 2015

November, Uruguay

Reunited at last!!

One month waiting in Argentina, two days in Montevideo doing the paper work, five government agencies, nine hours of running from here to there, eleven burocratic steps... we are finally back! Our home SalSolcito and us. I had tears on me, I feel relieveed I feel happy, I feel safe.

We left Montevideo almost in a hurry, escaping the city and a huge thunder.... we slept our first night looking at the ocean but the rain was so strong that we questioned our choice...

It took us 2 full days to put "the house in order" and now our place is home again. Back to basics, water, gas, diesel, a few things from the supermarket.... back to health and life. As we hit the "interbalnearia road", along the cost and the sunshine blessed us I can't believe I am back in nature. Oh! I miss it so much... sun, sand and sea... my great combo that gives me life, happiness, calmness. I am not sure I can live in a city anymore, even in a small one like Sydney!

14 to 16th of November

From one side to the other. From the opulent to the simplest. From skyscrapers to country life. We couldn't have gone more contrast! After 2 days in Punta del Este (gosh! the crème of the crème) we landed in a farm!

The shop like a fairytale with so many secrets, hidden away in a precinct next to the church. I was curious to see the many pieces, all antiques, that were funnily enough orderly disorganised here and there. "Sometimes I don't sell a piece because I don't know where it is"..."this is my pleasure place, I don't care if I make money". And then a touching story: "once, in a market specialised in old children's books, I just come across one that caught my attention. I opened and saw a school report card of a child. I immediately recognised the signature of the teacher: my grandmother! She signed all the months but the one my father was born and a few others after that were she took maternity leave. I wanted to buy the book but couldn't as it was not catalogued yet. I went back months later with the hope of buying the book just to found that it has been sold. It was then that the owner open the first draw of his desk and showed me the report card and handed it to me. He was waiting for me to come back!" I told her the story of my mum's ceramic piece and she made me promise that I will write its story and sick it on its base. I will do it as soon as I get back to Sydney! Thank you so much for such a beautiful story...

Thursday, November 26, 2015


We are not fully rested yet. The month in Buenos Aires was so intense. The usual! But this time we have so much to celebrate! Wedding, birthdays and birth!

Absolutely loved the theatre and the amount of choices, from the total "under" to the full production stages. So much to choose, we spent a whole day just trying to find a good night out! The city has so much life; but on the other side there is more and more cars and people everywhere. It is totally exhausted to go from A to B, public transport or takes us hours to visit family and friends...which is great but after a month, our livers are bursting with so much food; short of exercise, very late nights and a total lack of routine. And talking so much with all our people made me miss the kids so much :(

Fiesta, Fiesta... Que fantastica esta fiesta!