Saturday, June 17, 2023

June 2023 Mexico

I was so surprise to learn that my last entry was on July 2020…3 years! So many things have happened since then! We said the final good byes to our parents and welcome Madison (Maddy), Esmeralda (Esmi) and Rafa (Rifi)!!!! Now, we have 5 new beautiful reasons to go back to Australia often!

It is very hard to catch up on the last 3 years. The world really fell apart, decease and death were everyday news. And as we were all trying to recover, life continued his way. We also brough “Sunny Po Po” (older sister) to the family. Escaping COVID lockdowns in Sydney, we found ourselves yet again in need of space, fresh air, and freedom. We found new and old routes to explore and we were on the move! The first very cautiously time we were reunited with Sal Solcito after 1.5 year apart, it was in Costa Rica. Just after a few days, it was then the time to travel to Central America. A not so brilliant experience. Sal Solcito afflicted of so much time being parked has some mechanical issues. Nicaragua was a weird experience, I found very difficult to connect with its people, a veil of fear in each interaction, years of dictatorship still present.

When we got to Honduras, the humour become lighter. In the midst of so much poverty, there was space – very slow pace, for kindness. A quick flight to the island of Roatan cemented another anniversary. Bliss, pure bliss. A quick passage to Guatemala to see Tikal and the impressive Maya archaeological site and before I knew it, Belize flag was up in our motorhome!. We did hikes crawling! Jumping from one National Park to the next, abundance of green, only. Every time I wanted something, like nice bread or nice meat, Hector will say “in Mexico”. So Mexico became the promised land!

And the contrast was a real contrast. Entering Mexico through Quintana Ro, enjoying Tulum, resting in Playa del Carmen was all we needed. Cancun only for a day, that was a line of buildings and hotels on steroids! definitely not our scene. But and it is a huge but, we discovered the Cenotes. One of the highlights of our whole trip, bathing inside these underground caves, crystalline waters! We really couldn’t have enough of it and we danced from one to the next!

Saturday, July 23, 2022

A real angel in our way, never imagen what challenging rocks we were going to find in Australia when we left Sal Solcito with him. He talked in a calm and paused way, listened attentively, open just a bit. His love of horses, his many businesses, his kids, his health. We couldn’t’ even embrace him when we left, as Covid had a stronghold on him but we did hold to a promise of reunion…that come 10 months later!

Wednesday, July 20, 2022

June-July 2022 Mexico


Isla Mujeres


San Cristobal de Las Casas

Cañon del Sumideo

Monday, June 20, 2022

June 2022, Beliza

Mountain Pine Ridge Forest Reserve

Altun Ha

Tuesday, June 7, 2022

Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Sunday, May 8, 2022

April - May 2022, Nicaragua

Masaya Volcano
Masaya Volcano
Somotop Canyon
Somoto Canyon

Monday, July 6, 2020

Costa Rica
6th of July 2020

I am sitting at the edge of a nice river run, listenting while the water splash across the rocks. I just went for a refreshing dip, the stream running…I can see a big clothing line, the product of a full bag of laundry we washed. We finished our 3 days gracie’s birthday celebrations in the Rincoln de la Vieja National Park, hiking, swimming in icy waterfalls, relaxing in hot spring while I am reflecting what the world has seen and lived in the last 6 months, we have so much to celebrate and to be grateful for. I couldn’t bring myself to write about our experiences of the last months and I, like the rest of the world, still can’t make sense of what is happening. I guess it will be difficult to explain it to our grandchildren; we have two now!...all started in March…

The first we heard just before going back to Australia to visit archulino and the kids was a big virus outbreak in China that devasted the country. A few days later, while we were enjoying our grandson the virus spread really quickly to Europe and people in mass particularly in Spain and Italy where dying. We were confused and anxious and still looked like very far away but…as news were bombarded us from all parts of the world countries started to closed their borders! So 10 days into our 24 days visit to Sydney we were faced with a terrible decision: hurry up, we need to go back to Costa Rica as they were also closing borders. Sufficient to say, we entered the country on the last flight allowed, borders closed just behind our backs. It was difficult for all to understand why we would come back here rather than stay with family in Sydney. It was clear for us when orders all over the world was “stay at home” that the only “home” we had was SalSolcito. That is our home, it has been our home for the last 6 years and the idea of loosing her to customs or anyone was really frightened. We got reunited with our home and headed off to La Herradura who has been a paradise to us just before we left. We faced, as probably lots of others, the best and the worst in people. As usual, crisis made the souls to come out. It was first the woman who owns the restaurant in the corner who so generously cut the fences of her house so we could fit in the back and then Manuel, the man who worked in the parking lot, who protected us from the ugly owner. We made that place and the people our place for the next 40 days! It was so weird that the first time we took our bikes to just go around the corner we found ourselves so unprotected and worried. As more news were coming, thousands of people dead, infections going in spike, no flights anywhere, people forced to be inside their homes, no work, no schools. It was one of those sic-fi terror movies that we so often seen and dismiss in the cinemas. The possibility to go to Sydney become grim by the minute and the chance to be with Braian and Allie for the birth of their first child (and our grandchild) was cero.

We took some courage and after those first 40 days and running from the heat we decided to go back to La Fortuna. This time, for our anniversary, we bide ride around the Arenales lake for 3 days, 120 km of hills and gravel! Ended up sleeping in a awful place (everything was closed) but we so much enjoy the freedom! In Sarcero we met El Sapito, Jorgelina y Mauri, an incredible, young and delicious couple who changed our outlook and our health habits! We owned to them how great we are feeling at the moment!

Playa La Langosta was our second big stayed. 12 days to pure sand , sea and beach. The only beach opened in the whole Costa Rica. We could not believe the place, it was like another world. All “gringos”, no one speaking in Spanish. Very elegant, big and stylish houses on the beach. We really had so much fun here! The big canal a few houndred meters on the beach that with the current and tide become like a water park for us! We also met Pamela and Adrian here, a vibrant, kind and hard work couple.

It was then in playa La Langosta, after being there for 10 days that one sleepless night we received via video our little Salvadore, Salvi for us!

Today, as a second wave of Corona Virus is attacking the whole world and more and more people become infected, we are making the best of this terrible situation. And while we are waiting for flights to go back to Sydney, we are going around Costa Rica again, this time taking the time to truly stay, enjoying every minute of it.

Thursday, February 20, 2020


A new country! Yuppyyyyy, really excited. Particularly because everybody talks about Costa Rica!

18th of January 2020

Lush, lush, lush. First impressions. One highway, palms everywhere and a thick bushes. The green is greener here, taller and the iguanas cross the road all the time! Our first night was not spectacular as we stopped somewhere in a bay looking for batteries for the car. But on the day after, while driving we saw a dirt road of the highway. Just mere meters in and a fresh and much needed cold stream surrounded by trees. Jump in! Quick and delicious. Continue driving and again off the main road, 500 mts away and we are in paradise. Playa Piñuela. An incredible beach, the huge forest as a backdrop, clean and nice water. We stayed here for 2 nights.

 We are spending 2 weeks with our friends Patry y Carlos exploring first the volcanos and forest side of the country and then the glorious beaches. This country looks like a perfect country for us, small enough but with lots of variety in environments and backgrounds. We could hike, go deep into forest, bath in waterfalls, enjoy the thermal springs, ride the weaves of a super transparent water, coconut palms on the beach, white sand. And yet, as much as I enjoyed it all, I can help but not feeling completely comfortable. It is by far the more “developed” country of all the Latin American countries we have been (and by that I mean the whole country rather than the capital cities) but they are so used to have tourists and US expats living here that it is not only a very expensive country but also not so friendly. Hard to explain. The roads are some of the worst we have travelled. Only 2 main roads in great condition running through the country and the rest appalling. There are no shoulders at all to park the car just for a quick bite and usually people are looking for opportunities to make money from you. I would say that the delicacies of customer service approach is being somehow deluded!

I am disappointed and waiting to see if the next few weeks bring me a different sense of what I am feeling right now.

Off to the Caribbean side, with promises of more palm beaches and beautiful waters. We spent the next weeks basking in the nice weather, not so hot, cloudy, and with furious waters! Playa Negra, Cahuita National Park, Puerto Viejo, Cocles, Punta Uva and Playa Manzanillo. What I love about the landscape was the unusual amount of trees or just huge tree trunks on the water or just laying on the beach. The mood here is very laid back, very hippy style of living, We found more Argentinians here than anywhere else. Visiting, working, living… from time to time we do engage with the local people but it is very sporadic. I adore sleeping so close to the ocean, windows open, a nice breeze coming through and the inspiring noise of waves crushing.

I have to make a stop for a super honorary mention of the Cahuita National Park. A wonderful trial, nested in between the ocean and the forest. It has everything that a hike should have and even more! Gigantic plants, uneven but flat trials, some on sand, plenty on boardwalk. It rain so bad and yet it was even prettier as the leaves and trees took a shine to it. And so many animals! We saw the oso perezozo, monkeys, racuns, squirrels, turquoise butterflies. We went from one end to the other and come back! Such was the beautiful landscape.

20th of February

Finally leaving the Caribeean side and all the crazy weather, rain, humidity, heat and more rain. We want to do more walks but the weather is not helping. We decided then to go….to the beaches on the Pacific side!!! And so we arrived at La Herradura and we couldn’t move. Took the kayak, the bikes, the big chairs, and it was paradise for a few days!

La Herradura beach

Thursday, January 30, 2020

Lake Arenal
He built their house and two little cabins to complement their income. She arrived the next morning with full breakfast for all. Sitting in our home, the 4 of us and the 5 of them. Home made tortillas with cream and fresh home made bread. And organic coffee and just out of the frypan patacones (banana). A prayer fill with gratitude, a sharing of stories. “Pura vida”!